Report: Saudi Government Privately Mocks Joe Biden's Mental Acuity, Crown Prince Denies US President's Oil Requests.

26 Oct 2022, 08:00
Report: Saudi Government Privately Mocks Joe Biden’s Mental Acuity, Crown Prince Denies US President’s Oil Requests According to a recent report, members of the Saudi government and crown prince Mohammed bin Salman have been privately mocking U.S. president Joe Biden by questioning his keenness of thought and mental acuity. The report follows Biden’s recent trip to the region in July, when the U.S. president pressed the Saudis for more oil production, but the Saudi government refused his requests. Report Says Fist-Bumping Biden Privately Mocked by Members of the Saudi Government, Saudi Television Broadcast Makes Fun of ‘Sleepy Joe’Saudi Arabia’s government doesn’t seem to like U.S. president Joe Biden, as a report from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) shows crown prince Mohammed bin Salman and many others have mocked the American leader. Biden and vice president Kamala Harris were also made fun of on a television broadcast aired in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi television broadcast openly mocks Biden’s alleged cognitive decline and leverages the nickname “Sleepy Joe.” Three reporters from the WSJ Stephen Kalin, Summer Said, and Dion Nissenbaum wrote on October 24, that unnamed members of the Saudi government say the prince and his team privately make fun of president Biden. “Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s 37-year-old day-to-day ruler, mocks president Biden in private, making fun of the 79-year-old’s gaffes and questioning his mental acuity, according to people inside the Saudi government,” the WSJ reporters said.