Not sure what to do with ERC-20 tokens of failed projects.

18 Aug 2021, 12:38
Not sure what to do with ERC-20 tokens of failed projects? Project iQuantXchange ( swap ERC-20 tokens of failed projects for IQX token. The startup has been around for over a year, and during that time it has established itself as a stable platform for swapping worthless tokens for the promising IQX token, which will become the utilitarian token of their new exchange service. The iQuantXchange will distribute all proceeds from transaction fees to all IQX token holders and is potentially a very powerful investment tool. So powerful, in fact, that some users are buying tokens from failed projects to exchange them for IQX. To participate in this swap you just need to go to their website, go to Swap Rate Checker section and enter the token you want to get rid of. You will be shown the exchange rate. Then just register and make the exchange. Get answers to questions about this project you can here: or in the project's Telegram group @iQuantX